Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Tag!

Yay! A writing prompt! Thanks to the staff at Let's Shall, here are seven random things about me:
  1. I am left-handed.
  2. I work for the Children's Law Center in Washington, DC.
  3. I can parallel park!
  4. In my spare time, I like to identify the period and architectural style of DC buildings.
  5. My ultimate fantasy would be to purchase a large historic building and restore it in an ecologically sensitive way either into affordable apartments or an Episcopal retreat center (in the latter scenario, I'd be able to preside at services).
  6. I know a lot about estate planning.
  7. I have a natural talent for lucid dreaming.

I hope I did that right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did it just right!

Why do I always forget you are left-handed?