Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Again Anew

People long so for beginnings. Fortunately, we have endeavored to create many opportunities for them. Easter just happened, and for those who go to church regularly, it signifies a bright new beginning of the church year. It comes at just the right time; I've had more than enough time to screw up my New Year's resolutions, and now need to start anew. For those who are students or have students in their lives, the fall, although gently preparing nature for ending, feels like a starting point because classes begin. I'm sure I'll need that, too.

I have erased several posts from this blog which had become too personal for me. I think I stayed away partially because of what I would find here. I needed to erase them to give myself a chance for another beginning.

I am so grateful that we cycle through so many starting points, because at least for me I need the reminder of the chance for renewal.

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