Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I have several resolutions. The first, and most relevant to this space, is to post to this blog every damn day, even if it ends up being nonsense and embarassingly personal. Hijinks ahead! No, I will not share my other resolutions with you. This is not a diary, and my other resolutions are boring, like losing thirty percent of my body weight in eight weeks and quitting the crack. We'll see, though. If I get desperate with daily posting I may throw anything up here. Happy New Year!

New years' resolutions, like second marriages, are the triumph of hope over experience. Although our lives are chugging along just as they were a few hours ago, and our problems haunt us no matter the hour, we look at our life anew and pretend that there is a possibility for a fresh start. How else would we get anything done? And even just one month of regular exercising is better than none.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I support you wholeheartedly in your resolutions. Blogging is the best! As an added bonus, you're kind of hilarious.

Also, I'm glad you liked the CD.:-)

Happy New Year!