Sunday, November 12, 2006

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If true love doesn't happen in six months, will let you keep the service for another six months free of charge. The first time I saw the "Make love happen" guarantee, I almost fell over laughing. How do you define a successful love-falling in six months? Also, six months of true love is easier to accomplish than six years or six decades. This is a guarantee that the people know they'll never have to back up. What schlub wants to admit he's failed at love even after paying for it? and who will admit total defeat after such a short amount of time? To really fail at love, you need years. But go ahead, make love happen. Guaranteed.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm still here

Well, trying to avoid writing about my messy life and focusing instead on "abstract" topics that were only tangentially related to my messy life led to me not writing at all. That didn't work. Perhaps I'll try the high concept stuff at another point. This poor blog is rather schizophrenic, but I'm not ready to kill it just yet.

Another reason not to write in this blog is that I've made a major commitment to National Novel Writing Month. Actually, I'm way behind in my word count for that, too, thanks for asking, but I'm still really glad I'm doing it because it's incredibly fun and freeing and I am convinced that it will somehow magically enable me to write fabulous law school personal statements.

So, perhaps what I'll do for the next little while in this space is update you on the progress of my novel. Of course, it's a silly romance, but I'm loathe to give away too many plot details for fear that people will think it's autobiographical, which it is NOT. Taking the advice of a legendary professor quoted by a friend, I am writing what I don't know about what I know, which simply means that if you were to read the novel in a certain light, it would probably look familiar, but it would not be as close to the truth as I'm sure you'd imagine it is, you little imaginer, you.

So in short, Mary is not down for the count quite yet. Mary Like the Saint perseveres through hardship and a lack of posts, and will prevail!